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Natural language access to knowledge databases with spatial information

Natural language access to knowledge databases with spatial information

Project factsheet

English name:

Natural language access to knowledge databases with spatial information

Polish name:

Dostęp w języku naturalnym do baz wiedzy z informacją przestrzenną

Project type:

(Polish) Committee of Scientific Research (KBN) and (French) Ministry of Foreign affairs (ref: 76157; Z/49/6/DZ/97)


1995 ‒ 1997

Project Web page:


Principal investigator:

Zygmunt Vetulani


Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

Project description

This project concerns the study of expressing spatial relations in natural language and the techniques of spatial knowledge representation and spatial data base querying. The special case of the problem we are particularly interested in is interaction with a knowledge system of a virtual robot in order to control its moves.

Special attention was paid to the language competence being object of computer modeling. This research was based on a route description corpus collected through "Wizard of Oz" experiments.